Join the OpenTelemetry community

OpenTelemetry is an open source project that anyone in the community can use, improve, and enjoy. We'd love you to join us! Here's a few ways to find out what's happening and get involved.

Special Interest Groups

We organize the community into Special Interest Groups (SIGs) in order to improve our workflow and more easily manage a community project.

Cross-language Specification




GoLang SDK

Java SDK

Java Auto-Instrumentation

JavaScript SDK

Python SDK

Ruby SDK

Erlang/Elixir SDK


Interested in getting involved but not sure where to start? Check out our community repo to find out more.

If you want to help us out with our website check us out here.

Community Meetings

We host monthly community video conferences, alternating between times that work for Europe and Asia. These meetings are open to all contributors!

Meeting invites can be accessed from our public Calendar (web, gCal, iCal), and we keep public notes in the agenda document available here.

Code of Conduct

OpenTelemetry follows the CNCF Code of Conduct.


Do you maintain or contribute to an integration for OpenTelemetry? We’d love to feature your project in the registry!

To add your project, please make a pull request to the repository on GitHub. You’ll need to create a data file in /content/registry for your project in the following format:

title: My OpenTelemetry Integration // the name of your project
registryType: <exporter/api/collector/plugin> // the type of integration; is this an exporter, plugin, API package, or something else?
isThirdParty: <false/true> // this is only true if the project is maintained by the OpenTelemetry project
language: <collector/cpp/dotnet/erlang/go/java/js/php/python/etc> // language of your integration
  - <language>
  - <other useful search terms>
repo: // projects don't have to be hosted on github, but this should link to the git or other source control repository for your project
license: Apache 2.0 // or whatever your OSS license is
description: A friendly description of your integration/plugin
authors: <The author or authors of your integration. An email is a great thing to include!>
otVersion: <The OpenTelemetry version your plugin targets.> 

Once you’ve created this data file, make a pull request and we’ll add your project to the registry!

Vendor Support

Please see the vendors page for information on companies that distribute or natively support OpenTelemetry.